By Themba Mafico
January 27, 2025
PRIDE AND SELF-RESPECT ARE ESSENTIAL FOR BLACK UNITY AND DEVELOPMENT. Chinese identify as Chinese wherever they go or live, Mexicans as Mexicans, Indians as Indians, and whites as whites. Only Africans or blacks living in diaspora and neocolonialism seem to shun their own ethnicity. They adopt foreign cultural traditions with a view of merging with other races although these other races don’t think blacks are human enough. What a shame!! Why not refine our own black cultural heritage and charm the world with our civil lifestyle? You might ask, “What good can come out of Africa?” The principle of Ubuntu, for example, was and still is one of the noblest cultural traditions of in Africa. It is also the central theme in the Bible known as the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12). We can also cite the wisdom enshrined in the principle of Sankofa, i.e., drawing from the lessons of the past as we forge into the uncertain future (Deuteronomy 8:12) . For the Black Church, black unity and development should be pivotal to every sermon. Any other topic should be ancillary to black unity and development. United we will stand on our own black feet (Ezekiel 37:1-9). Themba Mafico