
Reverend Erica R. Jenkins BS, MA, MDIV


The peace of mind and spirit received from knowing you have a safe and confidential space to share any dreams, success, hurdles or obstacles that you may be facing is imperative to securing a balanced and successful life. Reverend Erica R. Jenkins has 30 years of combined education and experience from pastoring, counseling and coaching individuals of all backgrounds.

She is a graduate of St. Louis Catholic High School and received the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Management, minoring in Computer Science from McNeese State University. She is an honor graduate of Gammon Theological Seminary at The Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA receiving the Master of Divinity (MDiv) concentrating in Pastoral Care & Counseling and the Master of Arts (MA) in Christian Education.

As a coach, Jenkins has been described as ‘a loving, caring, compassionate, friendly and fun person. She is a spirit-filled Pastor who is truly led by God. She is a prayerful, bible-based Pastor-teacher who listens to meet you where you are during the seasons of life while providing hope, wisdom, challenge and encouraging assistance for moving forward. Coach Jenkins is a responsible, spiritual, visionary who encourages others in all walks of life to embrace God’s unfailing, unconditional love and wisdom to discern their purpose then, fulfill their destiny to bless others and receive their abundant blessings based on John 10:10b.’

Pastor Jenkins has received numerous leadership awards. Her travel to over 15 countries attests to her being sought after and reflect her heart for Missions, Evangelism and Religious Education. As a United Methodist Church denominational delegate, both nationally and internationally, articles written by her have been published on various subjects all of which assist in better understanding and connecting people from all walks of life. These skills have only added to her coaching expertise and her ability to be effective in her client’s lives.

Jenkins says, “….to God be the glory for all of these blessings! I’ve simply been redeemed and love Jesus and His cause more and more as the days pass. I am simply happy and blessed to be a witness while enjoying the journey as a daughter of the Most High God. With joy, I welcome the opportunity to meet and coach you to Living More Abundantly. Contact me and/or see my full bio here. Thank you.”

What others are saying:

A modern day thought leader that challenges your conventional thinking to catapult you into purpose. Compassionate and sensitive to the individual but with pinpointed precision she helps to remove barricades that impede progress in business, ministry, and personally. Fulfilling the scripture “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 KJV she imparts Gods revelation, wisdom, and practical steps to advance your ministry. You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity for your territory to be enlarged and expanded as you partner with her and God expands your capacity. –Patricia Shirley

Erica Jenkins and I have collaborated professionally since 2007. Perhaps what is more impressive, is that Elder Jenkins brings integrity and accountability to her profession—in a culture that too often is focused on presentation prioritized above content. Erica synthesizes Evidenced Based Methodology informed by deep intuitive insights developed over many years. Erica R. Jenkins possesses a profound work ethic, follows the Best Practices in coaching and consulting, and remains current and up to date with the latest innovations and trends in her discipline. Highest Recommendation! -Dr. Larry Covin

Erica is a knowledgeable, focused, and compassionate coach. I have found her process of coaching to be a beautiful mix of formal and informal. She coaches in a way that is client centered, empowering, and makes room for the work of the Spirit. Erica is a great resource for brief, short term coaching as well as long term transitional coaching. –Peter Cammarano

Jenkins possesses a comprehensive understanding, appreciation, and sensitivity to the multidimensional interactive role effective clergy might serve in the local and larger community (social, professional, personal, political, economic, education, and health). Her ability to assess needs and interests, identify and clarify points of mutual agreement, and develop strategies that have quantifiable achievable objectives/goals is simply outstanding! – S. Jerome Addison

Myrna Williams PHD (Psych)


Myrna B. William’s, PhD is a clinical psychologist. She is in private practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She does psychological evaluations, counseling, and psychotherapy with children, adolescents and adults for issues such as depression,anxiety,autism,attention deficits,trauma,intellectual disabilities and marital discord. She is recognized by The American Diabetes Association as a psychologist who can be helpful to people coping with diabetes. Dr. Williams received a Bachelor’s degree from Duke University in Psychology and Black Studies and a Doctorate form the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Reverend Dr. Roslyn Mafico MA, MED, MDIV, DMIN


Rev. Dr. Roslyn Mafico was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to the late Lois and Frank Brake, Sr. She attended elementary, high school and college in Winston- Salem, and relocated to Atlanta, Georgia in 1979.

Roslyn Mafico received her Bachelor of Science degree from Winston State University, Winston –Salem, N.C.; the Masters of Arts degree in Administration and Supervision from Atlanta University and the Education Specialist degree from Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia. In 2011 Rev. Mafico completed a Masters of Divinity degree from McAfee School of Theology (Mercer University), Atlanta, Georgia, with a concentration in Pastoral Care; and in 2016 a Doctor of Ministry degree at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Roslyn Mafico has an extensive background in education. She taught in the DeKalb School System for 29 years and rose in rank from teacher assistant to principal of Mary McLeod Bethune Middle School. In August 2012, Rev. Mafico completed a year residency in Clinical Pastoral Education at Atlanta Medical Center, to pursue a second career as a Chaplain.

In 1998, Roslyn Mafico accepted her call to ministry and after being licensed to preach in 2000, she and her husband founded and co-pastored the Village of Hope Baptist Church in Stone Mountain, GA. When Rev. Dr. Themba Mafico retired as church pastor in 2010, they turned the church over to the Sixth Episcopal District of the CME Church, to which they both joined in 2011.

Roslyn Mafico was ordained as an elder of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and served as an Assistant pastor and pastor in the Christian Methodist Episcopal church since 2011.

Roslyn Mafico is also a member of Pi Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., National Action Network, and the NAACP.

Rev. Mafico’s two favorite passages of scriptures are, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-and “you shall Love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10: 27.

Rev. Mafico is married to Dr. Themba Mafico, and they have three adult children and six grandchildren.

Rev. Dr. Themba Mafico THM, MA, PHD (HARV)


The Rev. Dr. Themba Mafico founded the Mafico Leadership Renewal Institute, a nonprofit collaborative institute devoted to revitalizing people who suffer from a condition like burnout, stress, and diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and related debilitating issues caused by lifestyle.

While studying the Bible, Dr. Mafico noticed that the word rest appeared so many times. An in depth study revealed that rest is required for every creature because of its promotion and sustenance of good health. Even God rested to be refreshed (Gen 3:1-3; cf. Exod. 31:17). Jesus also retreated from caring for the people in order to rest (Mark 6:31ff. and passim). Thus, resting (Sabbath) is one of the greatest biblical requirements for humanity.

Dr. Mafico earned the Th.M. (HDS), M.A. and Ph.D. (GSAS). becoming the first black and non-Westerner to graduate from Harvard University with a doctoral degree in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. For Mafico’s detailed biography, please click: here.

Dr. Mafico is a spiritual leader who is passionate about motivating people to observe the spirituality of rest. Those who practice rest as worship or as a sacred rite allow the body to rejuvenate and heal itself from opportunistic diseases.

Dr. Mafico is well-trained in interpreting the Bible; and he makes it come alive ushering fresh insights for practical use in life. By the use of a comparative method, Dr. Mafico captivates his audiences by revealing parallels that exist between African and Israelite religiocultural practices.

His expertise in the Old Testament, African religioculture and Christianity sets him apart from his peers as a scholar, spiritual resource person, pastoral advisor, teacher, motivator and mentor.

To reconnect with self, i.e., to discover who you really are, your needs and uniqueness, Dr. Mafico encourages people to participate in pilgrimages to other lands in order to see life from a perspective different from their own. He urges those suffering from fatigue, burnout, stress, anxiety and spiritual vacuum to join him on international pilgrimages to experience an immersion in different cultures, an experience that is relaxing and refreshing physically and spiritually. Personal testimonials reveal that pilgrimages have impacted many pastors, seminarians and lay people.

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